User Instructions
This is where FarmQA Support will post user instructions pertaining to FarmQA Controller.
- Using FarmQA's dashboard
- Update your field boundaries from previous growing seasons
- Crop Planning
- Spray Records
- Zone Sampling in FarmQA
- Working with the Task list
- Downloading your field(s) to a PDF file
- Adding yield data to your fields
- Using the daily task view
- Exporting your recommendations from the FarmQA Advice page
- Exporting your Scouting Reports from the FarmQA web app
- Assigning yields to your fields at harvest
- Getting Started with FarmQA
- Attaching files to your fields
- Field notes
- Creating field boundaries using GIS software to import to FarmQA
- Color Fields by Farms
- Assigning plant and harvest dates from the FarmQA web app
- Export your map view to a PNG image
- Growing season field view
- Uploading soil test results to your FarmQA account
- Introduction to the Crop Rotations tab
- Township Section Overlay
- Field Journals
- Field List View
- Map Search and Filter
- Adding field entrances in FarmQA Controller
- Adding file attachments
- Splitting fields in FarmQA (BETA)
- Set a timeframe to view data over