The yield data you collect while harvesting with John Deere or a similar platform can be uploaded to your fields with FarmQA. Yield data can be uploaded as a shapefile (zipped folder that includes a .SHP, .SHX, and .DBF file), a .KML file, a .KMZ file, or a .GEOJSON file. Use this data to direct scouting and soil sampling operations by visually targeting low yield areas in your fields. Learn how to upload and access your spatial yield data by reading the account below.
NOTE: Before you're able to add yield data to your fields, you'll need to create a map layer to store your data in. Refer to this article to learn more about adding map layers to your FarmQA account: Creating and setting up map layers – FarmQA
Adding yield data when harvesting a field
Accessing your yield data maps
Adding yield data when harvesting a field
Available from the: Web App
User Permissions: Enterprise Administrator, Agronomist
- In the Map tab, locate the field you want to add harvest data to and click on it.
- In the field information pane on the left-hand side of the screen, click on the Harvest button (pictured below).
- In the Set Harvest window, click the Edit yield box then click the Import option (pictured below).
- Drag and drop your zipped shapefile containing your spatial yield data into the box outlined by a blue dashed line (pictured below).
Complete the following steps (pictured below):
- Set a Yield unit for your data.
- Choose the Attribute (column) in your shapefile that contains your yield data.
- Choose the Color ramp you want to use to color your yield map. Toggle off the Automatic range switch to set a range of values you want to color for in your map. Use this to exclude extreme values from your map coloring.
- Click the Preview button to see what your yield map will look like.
- NOTE: if your file is very large, we may show a 'Processing data' dialogue box. If you see that, please be patient as we process your data and your preview should appear shortly.
- You'll now be able to see a preview of your yield map, including a legend that shows your range of yield maps at the bottom of the map view. If you're happy with how your yield map looks, click the Save button at the bottom of the window (pictured below).
Accessing your yield data maps
Available from the: Mobile App and Web App
User Permissions: All Users
FarmQA web app
- Click on the field you want to view yield data for.
- You can view your actual yield map by clicking on the LAYERS dropdown and selecting the map layer that you have your data stored in (1) or by clicking on the YIELD drop down to see the field-wide crop yield (2) (pictured below).
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