Scouting reports can be exported and sent to your growers in bulk from the FarmQA mobile app. This can be used to send a grower a single PDF instead of multiple individual files/reports. See the instructions below for more details.
- Log in to your FarmQA account from the mobile app.
- Click on either the Scouting or Advice tab within the scouting application.
- Next click the Select button within the Past report section of the scouting app (pictured below).
- Next multi-select the reports that you would like to combine into a single report. Click on the empty circle next to the Past reports header to select all previous reports.
- TIP: you can use the search at the top of the search to break down the list by crop or field name.
- Click PDF to generate the report.
- NOTE: a maximum of 40 reports can be combined into a single PDF. If you'd like to have the ability to download more than 40 reports at a time, please contact FarmQA Support.
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