An enterprise administrator can view how much FarmQA was used by individuals in their account throughout the course of a season via the usage dashboard. This includes things like seeing how many total reports and recommendations were generated, which fields were checked most frequently and who submitted the reports for them. A primary use of such a report is for consultants offering scouting as a service, this provides a snapshot view of what was done for a client. For further details on how to utilize the Usage Dashboard can be found below.
- Log in to our FarmQA account from the web app as an enterprise administrator.
- NOTE: Only enterprise administrators have access to the usage dashboard.
- Click on the Settings icon on the left-hand side of the screen, then make sure you are in the Usage tab (see below).
- From this screen the following navigation can be used depending on what you want to see (pictured below):
- Organization: Filter the data you're seeing by organization using the organizational tree on the left. This allows you to view data for an individual grower or agronomist.
- Data source: Choose to either see metrics related to Scouting reports or Advice/recommendations.
- Time range: Use the dropdown menu in the upper right-hand corner of the screen to set the time range you want to view data over (ex: Today, Last 7 days, Last 30 days).
Viewing Scouting Summary Data
Selecting the Scouting tab in the middle section will provide you access to the insights related to your collected scouting data. Descriptions of what each metric represents are presented below. All reported metrics are compiled from reports submitted over the time period set in the time range dropdown menu.
- Total reports: the total number of reports submitted.
- Observations: the total number of observation points submitted in scouting reports. This number is greater than total reports because more than one observation might have been made per report.
- Attachments: the total number of pictures and map drawings submitted with scouting reports.
- Days scouted: The total number of days in which at least one scouting report was submitted.
- Fields scouted: The total number of fields that had at least one scouting report submitted for it.
- Scouted area (ac): The sum total of acres scouted. This calculation is performed by summing up the acreage of all fields that had at least one scouting report associated with it.
The middle section of the screen will show a graphical timeline of when and how many reports were submitted per day. Additionally, user and field specific information can be found at the bottom of the screen:
- Top fields: This lists in numeric order the five fields that had the most scouting reports submitted for them.
- Scouting report creators: This ranks the users in your organization based on the total number of reports they submitted during the selected time period.
Viewing Advice/Recommendation Summary Data
Clicking on the Advice tab in the top left-hand corner will provide you with the insights described below that are specific to chemical recommendations.
- Total Recommendations: The total number of recommendations written in the time period you have set.
- Completed Recommendations: The total number of recommendations that have been marked as completed in FarmQA. The completed function is intended to be used when spray applications are made, therefore this metric should show how many sprays were made in a season.
- Timeline view: The middle section shows a graphical representation of when and how many recommendations were written in a timeline view.
- Products: the total number of different products that were recommended and the average number of products in the mixes used.
- Top products: the most recommended products over the selected time period, along with the total number of times each product was recommended.
- Fields: The total number of fields that have a recommendation associated with it, along with the average number of fields associated with each recommendation.
- Top Fields: The five fields with the most recommendations associated with them, along with how many recommendations were filled out for each field.
- Mixes: The number of recommendations that were written using a predefined mix.
- Top Mixes: The mixes that were used or recommended the most, along with how many times each one was used or recommended.
- Recommendation creators: this users who wrote the most recommendations, along with how many recommendations they wrote.
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