Drawings that you add to your scouting reports in the FarmQA mobile app can be viewed as a time-based map layer in the FarmQA web app. This allows you to easily see problem areas over the course of a growing season and return to those spots in future visits. See the instructions below for additional details.
Enable scouting drawing map layer
Enable scouting drawing map layer
- Log in to your FarmQA account from the web app.
- Click on the Settings
tab on the left-hand side of the screen, then click on the Map layers header.
- Create a new map layer called Scouting Drawings or something similar to that, then set the layer type to time based. Do this by clicking the plus button in the bottom-right corner.
- If needed, see this article for more details on how to create map layers.
- Next click on the Organization>Details tab within settings and scroll to the scouting section. Next locate the scouting drawings map layer within the "Use a map layer to show drawings from scouting reports" drop down (See below)
- Only account administrators can turn this feature on.
- If you do not see your scouting drawing layer that means it either wasn't save or it wasn't set to be a time-based map layer, revisit previous steps.
Creating map drawings
- Login to your FarmQA account from the mobile app.
- Create a new scouting report by clicking on a field, then tap on the field to add an observation.
- Next answer a question that should receive a drawing, then click the three vertical dots next to the question (pictured below).
- Click the Draw on Map option to create the drawing.
- Finally, use the map drawing tools at the top of the screen to notate.
- This is done by selecting a tool (it will highlight in blue) then clicking on the map.
Viewing map drawings over time
- Log in to your FarmQA account from either the mobile or web app if you aren't already.
- Click on a field that contains map drawings.
- NOTE: drawings will not backfill prior to assigning a layer in the first section.
- Toggle on the Scouting Drawings layer, or whatever you named the layer in step one
- Use the slider at the bottom to view layers over time (pictured below).
- NOTE: there will be a pip/vertical line denoting where in the timeline drawings are located.
- If you do not see the Scouting Drawings map layer appear on the field, that means there is not a scouting report submitted with a drawing on that field since this feature was turned on.
- If you see the Scouting Drawings map layer option but do not see content on the map. It could be related to the time window you have set in the bottom right-hand corner of your map (Ex: PAST 30 DAYS in the screenshot above).
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