Within the FarmQA web app a user can create and upload field boundaries into their account. This allows users to digitally map their farms and manage fields that were previously not in their FarmQA account. Follow the step-by-step instructions below to learn how to do this.
Accessing the Create Fields menu
Uploading your field outline as a shapefile
Accessing the Create Fields menu
- Log in to the FarmQA web app as an enterprise administrator.
- NOTE: Only enterprise administrators can create fields in FarmQA. If you are not an enterprise administrator, pass these instructions onto them.
- Make sure you're in the Map tab, then navigate to the location on the map where the field needs to be added.
- Open the slide out map pane, then select the Create Fields option at the bottom of the screen (pictured below).
- Fill out the basic information regarding the field you are about to create, including the Organization you want it placed under and its Field Name. Optional information you can add includes assigning a Crop/variety to the field, as well as a Planting date for the season.
- NOTE: field Area(ac) will be automatically calculated when you finish drawing the field. You can also manually input the field area.
Drawing your field outline
- Begin drawing your field polygon by selecting a drawing tool at the top of the screen. There are two drawing tools you can use:
- Add polygon: click or drag your mouse around the field boundary. Finish drawing the polygon by either clicking on the last point you set or by clicking on the first point again (pictured below).
- Note: if the middle vertices are clicked, more vertices will be created. This is useful for creating more complex field shapes.
- Add circle: click where you want the center of your field to be and drag your mouse to the full extent of the field. This drawing tool is primarily used for drawing fields setup to be irrigated with a circle pivot.
- Add polygon: click or drag your mouse around the field boundary. Finish drawing the polygon by either clicking on the last point you set or by clicking on the first point again (pictured below).
- Once you are done drawing the shape you can zoom in to "fine tune" the boundary. This can be done by clicking on the vertices and moving them or by clicking the small circles at the center point between two vertices to create more.
- NOTE: if you need to draw more complex fields, including those with holes or those that have multiple polygons, refer to the following articles:
- Drawing fields with holes
- Drawing fields with multi-polygons (i.e. multiple disconnected pieces)
- NOTE: if you need to draw more complex fields, including those with holes or those that have multiple polygons, refer to the following articles:
- Click on the blue Save icon at the bottom of the Create fields panel to save your field.
- If edits need to be made to the field, you can reselect the field and click on the Edit field button (pictured below).
Uploading your field outline as a shapefile
Instead of drawing out your shapefiles, you can upload them directly from your computer.
Your field shapefile has to be in one of the following formats:
- ESRI Shapefile (specifically, a .dbf, .shp, and .shx file) stored in a zipped shapefile
- KML/KMZ file
To upload your shapefile, just click on the Create fields window or drag your file into the window (pictured below).
Troubleshooting: If the field you just created does not show up in the scouting application, it is likely because there is no scouting template assigned to the crop grown in that field. See this article on how to create new templates.
Getting your field boundaries out of Climate Fieldview
Refer to the support document attached to this article that outlines how to export your field boundaries from Climate Fieldview. Once you have exported your files, they can then be uploaded to FarmQA by following the instructions listed above.
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