January 2nd, 2025
- Recommendations and spray records can now be edited or deleted from the FarmQA mobile app.
- Users can now select the geomarker type to associate their soil sample locations created through tasks with.
- Google satellite imagery is now available as a base map layer.
December 19th, 2024
- FarmQA's new Dashboard feature has been released. The Dashboard can be accessed from the Home page in the Web App. A user's Dashboard can include panels that contain the following information:
- Weather
- Field Journals
- Analytics
- Crop Acreage
- Tasks
- Chatbot feature has been released. Access the Chatbot from the FarmQA Web App and ask it any question you might have about using FarmQA.
- Blend pricing can now be seen in crop plans and completed recommendations.
- Users can now select the geomarker layer they want to add their sampling points to from the soil sampling Tasks.
November 26th, 2024
- Bug fixes relating to:
- Upcoming additions to crop planning.
- FarmQA's chatbot (currently in BETA).
- Public API
November 4th, 2024
- Soils data can be uploaded individually to fields.
- Field boundaries from previous growing seasons can be easily synced to your current growing season.
October 23rd, 2024
- Users can now select a font size for their scouting report PDF exports.
October 3rd, 2024
- Users can now select a font size for scouting report PDFs.
September 20th, 2024
- Support for the 'Soil Sampler' role has been added to the FarmQA mobile app.
September 16th, 2024
- A 'Soil Sampler' role has been added to FarmQA. Users with a 'Soil Sampler' role have functionality that is focused on completing soil sampling related tasks in the FarmQA web and mobile app.
- Updates have been made to the user interface users use to create management zones and write prescriptions. Users will now be directed to the 'Zone designer' page to work on management zone creation and prescription writing.
July 17th, 2024
- Re-entry interval (REI) and pre-harvest interval (PHI) are now viewable in the Home page when you click on your fields. REI and PHI warnings will be shown at the top of the field information pane.
June 25th, 2024
- Users can now select which map provider they want to use when choosing directions to a field.
- Warning notices are shown for fields that are within an REI interval for chemical products applied in a recent recommendation.
- Preharvest interval (PHI) data based on a field's recommendation history can be accessed from the FarmQA mobile app.
- Users can specify crop and variety information when completing a Plant task.
June 19th, 2024
- Tasks can now be added to fields from the Home page in the FarmQA web app.
- Planting tasks can now be completed from the FarmQA web app.
- The maximum number of reports that can be included in a consolidated report has been increased from 25 to 40.
- The window for including satellite images in a scouting report has been increased from 7 to 10.
May 28th, 2024
- Tillage has been added as a task type.
May 8th, 2024
- Full page field maps with scouting locations can now be included in your scouting report exports.
April 29th, 2024
- Submitted scouting reports can now be edited from the FarmQA mobile app.
- Users can now select multiple satellite images when generating zones. FarmQA will use these images to create an 'average' satellite image to create a zone off of.
- Multiple zone cutting and splitting tools have been added to the FarmQA management zone editor, including cutting zones based on images, cutting zones based on shapes, and using lines to split zones.
April 5th, 2024
- Internal notes are now supported in the FarmQA mobile app.
- Users can now track their heading when they are creating and editing fields in the FarmQA mobile app.
April 2nd, 2024
- Internal notes have been added as a feature. Internal notes are only available to users who have Internal permissions set within their FarmQA account. Use Internal notes to share information between internal members of your organization while limiting access to other users.
- Users can now uncommit a crop plan.
March 20th, 2024
- The My Profile button has been moved to the upper right-hand corner of the screen next to the Growing Season and Support buttons.
March 1st, 2024
- Users can now create Prescription profiles, which can help streamline the workflow involved in created prescriptions for their fields.
- The most recent Planet image will be displayed in the field map in scouting reports that have been exported to PDF, giving users another way to access valuable satellite images.
February 23rd, 2024
- Spray records can now be created and viewed in the FarmQA mobile app.
- A field map image can now be included when users export a recommendation to a PDF.
January 18th, 2024
- Crop planning has been added as a new feature in FarmQA. Users can create custom crop plans that include each step in your crop plan and the products that they'll be applying to their fields in each step of the plan. Once plans have been created and applied to fields, users can create recommendations and tasks from their plans that can help them stay on task during the growing season.
December 4th, 2023
- Users can export prescription load sheets from their FarmQA accounts to easily share prescription information with their growers. Prescription load sheets include important information like the variable rate map of the prescription that was applied, the total area taken up by each zone, and the total amount of product applied with the recommendation.
October 13th, 2023
- Spray records have been added to FarmQA. Spray records are created automatically when users complete recommendations and include information about the time and location of the recommendation that was applied. Applicators can also be associated with spray records to meet requirements for state and federal compliance standards.
September 22nd, 2023
- Additional functionality was added to the create compaction zones feature. Users are now able to select whether they want to use the shallowest or lowest compaction point to create their zones off of. Users can also set a negative offset for their zone depths so they can determine whether they want to rip above or below the compacted layer.
September 1st, 2023
- A heading indicator will now appear around a user's location marker in the FarmQA mobile app to help users better navigate their fields.
August 29th, 2023
- The distance to the nearest geomarker is now displayed when users are in Soil Sampling mode, allowing users to better navigate to their soil sampling locations.
- Fields in the FarmQA mobile app can now be colored by crop, crop variety, organization, and Tasks. Tasks can further be colored by the status of the Task associated with that field.
- Users can sort their Tasks by organization to better manage and plan the Tasks they need to get done.
August 9th, 2023
- Management zones can now be edited from the FarmQA web app. This allows users to recategorize zones as needed in new growing seasons.
- Management zones can be aligned to a user-defined grid. Mangement zones edited in this way can make applying prescriptions more actionable in the field.
July 18th, 2023
- Users who subscribe to Planet imagery can now access modified soil adjusted vegetation index (MSAVI), Red edge, and Red band imagery. These indexes can be used to remotely monitor crop growth and health throughout the growing season.
- Map layer images can be used to view layer images in multiple fields at the same time making comparisons across fields even easier.
June 25th, 2023
- Users can export up to 25 fields to a PDF, up from the previous limit of 5, to help with crop planning or easily sharing information.
- Scouting reports that were created from different scouting templates can now be exported to the same PDF report.
- Point-based datasets, like soil sample and crop yield data, can be converted into a continuous heat map to give you a better idea of the true data distribution in your field(s).
- Allow users to enter field total yield values instead of always per acre.
June 15th, 2023
- Scouting templates can be assigned to geomarkers so that when you're scouting a geomarker type, like an insect trap, you'll be able to easily access a customized template for that specific scouting scenario.
- Users can allow for scouting reports to be merged even if they were created using different scouting templates.
May 25th, 2023
- Multiple scouting reports can be consolidated into a single printout to concisely provide scouting information to your growers.
- Multiple years' worth of metric data can be displayed in a single metric visualization.
- Users can now delete pictures while editing scouting reports.
- If your field has an associated field entrance, the coordinates of the entrance will be printed on your field PDF exports.
- Recommendations can now be readily accessed from your Apply (or spray) tasks so you can easily access the information you need to complete that chemical recommendation.
- The time at which Apply tasks were completed will be displayed on field Excel exports.
- Your Tasks can now be sorted and viewed by Organization in the Task View from the FarmQA web app.
May 18th, 2023
- Soil test results from AgVise labs can now be brought into your account and associated with the locations they were collected at automatically.
- Grid-based soil sample plans can be created from the mobile or web app to guide precision soil sampling in the field.
- Picklist-based metric data can be easily graphed over time to assess crop grow or disease/pest pressure.
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